Official Vessel of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Ernestina Logbook Page

Date: Thursday, July 5, 2001

Member Transit from New Bedford to Onset today. Marty Casey was aboard to help with some sail repairs enroute. Engineer Stephen Swift makes some calls to find a part to repair the galley stove.

As the boat approached Onset we saw waiting on the pier 22 eager sailors of the Community Boating Center of New Bedford.  They had just completed their small boat summer program, and were now ready to tackle the Ernestina.  But before embarking they would kayak the day away exploring the local waterfront and beaches.   By seven PM, with bellies full of pizza , they were boarded and quickly orientated to their new vessel.  Soon after, a friendly competition of games began to familiarize shipmates and unwind from the day.  The combined scores from the Coordination Contest - racing to don the ever fashionable and oh so easy to zip Survival Suit,  the Talent Contest - who can most effectively sell the newest model of Marine Heads, and the all hands knot relay race proved to be a very close contest between the three teams.  When at least the games were done and all were scrubbed up for bed and slipped in to their bunks, they were strummed to sleep after a busy day
by the guitar strings of Tom Goux.

During the evening the Onset community is invited aboard the ship for a visit. Connections to the Cape Verdean community run deep and span decades.

Captain: Amanda Madeira
Program Coordinator: Inette Rex

We would like to thank Lotus and IBM for donation of software, hardware and funding to enable regular electronic updates from the ship.

NOAA Chart is provided courtesy of Maptech using Cruising Navigator 4.3 and grabbing the image using Grabit Pro 6.02.

Click on a month to view the complete schedule:
| April | May | June | July | August | September | October |November |

Copyright 1997-2001
Schooner Ernestina
89 North Water Street, P.O. Box 2010, New Bedford, MA 02741-2010
phone 508.992.4900 -- fax 508.984.7719

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