New London Sailfest Alongside US
Coast Guard Pier in New London all day for
Sailfest. Very nice weather, and lots of visitors
in the the afternoon during 'Open Ship'.
The big attraction for everyone during the
Sailfest Weekend is the Saturday night Fireworks
by Gucci of New York. Thousands of people lined
the banks of the Thames River in Groton, and New
London to view the show.
Sixty lucky people purchased tickets to board
Ernestina and get a front row seat of the
pyrotechnic display. At 2115 the 3 Barges
anchored in the river began the synchronized
show. We were able to capture a few images with
the digital camera. Imagine all the noise. The
show ended after 15 minutes. The Best ever!!! The
crowds departed a couple of hours later, and all
hands turned in for the night.
Captain: Willi Bank
Program Coordinator: Crista Mellican