Official Vessel of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Ernestina Logbook Page

Date: Tuesday, July 17 to Wednesday, July 18, 2001

Summer Sound Program with Schooner Sound Learning #2.Written by Amber Beitler, volunteer and former student

On July 17, 2001 a group of students from the Sound School's program, A Sound Summer Exploring, boarded the Schooner Ernestina.  The group was enthusiastic to be aboard and expressed the urge to learn how to sail and to enjoy the freedom at their new home away from home.  As part of a summer program which focuses on Long Isalnd Sound and careers and opportunities available, these students broadened their experience with a large boat adventure.

The goal of the Ernestina and her crew was to show students how much team effort and hard work goes into sailing a tall ship. As soon as students arrived they were put to work.  Handing down their gear into assigned bunks and making new aquaintances with the crew.  The group then met in a large circle to share personalities and aspirations that they had for the trip.  Smiles and laughter constant.

After a quick orientation of the ship and a touch up on safety guidelines, the students prepared for raising the sails.  This proved harder than they thought and they realized that they would have to pull together to achieve their goal.  With light winds and smiling faces the Ernestina sailed onward.

Students enjoyed programs aboard the ship.  They learned how to handle lines, observe on bow watch and steer at the helm, as well as navigate our course and complete a safety boat check.  Dying winds forced the Ernestina to motor to the destination of the Thimble Islands, and students jointly furled the sails as the anchor was dropped.  Students enjoyed a quick swim and had some terrific dives off the bowsprit. The evening consisted of bracelet and necklace making out of colorful line. One student, Brendan, enjoyed making these items so much he adorned himself with an array of necklaces.  Games were played later to learn more about Ernestina's extensive history.  After an elaborate reading, students turned in and prepared themselves for anchor watch.

When the sun awoke and peaked up its lazy head, the Ernestina had spent a successful night and was ready for another day of adventure.  After pulling up the anchor the students prepared for climbing aloft and going out on the bowsprit.  Bravery and strength tested the students.  Before they knew it it was chore time and students raced around cleaning heads and washing floors. The Ernestina was spic and span by the time she reached the dock.  Students helped carry gear off and said their good-byes.  The Ernestina welcomes them aboard again and hopes to see them soon!

Captain: Willi Bank
Program Coordinator: Crista Mellican, Polly Zajac, Chris Newlan (SSL)

We would like to thank Lotus and IBM for donation of software, hardware and funding to enable regular electronic updates from the ship.

NOAA Chart is provided courtesy of Maptech using Cruising Navigator 4.3 and grabbing the image using Grabit Pro 6.02.

Click on a month to view the complete schedule:
| April | May | June | July | August | September | October |November |

Copyright 1997-2001
Schooner Ernestina
89 North Water Street, P.O. Box 2010, New Bedford, MA 02741-2010
phone 508.992.4900 -- fax 508.984.7719

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