Alongside City Pier in
New London... Today
is the commencement at the USCG Academy just up the Thames
River here, and security is tight since President Bush is
speaking to the graduates. Also there are ‘Boomers” coming
in and out of Groton across the river.
We are sailing in company
with the schooner Spirit of Massachusetts, a 19 year old
replica of the Gloucester Fishing Schooner.
20 students from Christian
Heritage will get the treat of sailing with us on the real thing, while 24 of their classmates will experience the 20th
century version.
At 1000, after stowing
their gear, and introductions, we set off in the cool drizzle.
All hands set the 4 lowers just off the pier, and sailed past
the great lighthouse at New London Ledge.
Students were split into 3
watches, and C watch took the deck while others received a
complete orientation to the vessel.
The fog settled in after
lunch, and the two schooners ‘pushed’ against the flood at
the Race in the light SE breeze. The current max is at 3.5
knots and we made very little headway.
Mate Fred jigged for
Stripers over Valiant Rock for over one hour. Caught
Classes in Plankton,
Navigation, and History were held below for the off watches.
At 1700
we motor-sailed through the Lords Passage into Fishers
Island Sound.
Spirit followed claiming
we were the best kind of depth sounder (Ernestina draws 12
feet, Spirit 10)
The wind remained light
southerly, yet the forecast called for Northeast and building
overnight. Both vessels anchored close to Stonington Point
with their mainsails hanging on the halyards for the night. Rained
often so we kept the dories alongside, and students onboard
and at
anchor off Stonington with Schooner Spirit of Massachusetts close by.
We sailed a little today in
rain and fog, but had to motor to finally get clear of the
Program Coordinator: Rhonda Moniz
Captain: Willi Bank
Hauling up the Foresail
(above left) and Mainsail (above right)
Coiling Down...
Spirit of Massachusetts gets
underway in the background....
Dories are readied for an
Bearings are taken on