We pulled away from the dock this
morning with sunny skies, a gusty wind out of the SW and the
third group of Auburn Middle School students to sail with the Ernestina
this week.
We raised the fore and jumbo and motored out of the
hurricane barrier, mustering a hearty chorus of hooting and
hollering in traditional fashion.
While underway in the New Bedford Harbor, the morning
progressed with students learning in small groups about
plankton, navigation, simple machines and water quality.
The students also took turns at the helm and riding out on the
bowsprit, as well as preparing for the American Idol at Sea
Chantey sing-off contest III.
We enjoyed lunch on deck ,another round of learning
stations and rousing chantey performances at midships, before
returning to the dock at the State Pier in New Bedford.
You can see from the ship's track the zig-zag
course as we tacked back and forth in the Southwest wind off
Clarks Point in the chart to the right.
Program Coordinator: Kristen Sharpless
Captain: Amanda Madeira